Free Dental CE Online Courses

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Great personal attention, very detailed. You leave feeling completely prepared! I have taken a laser training course years ago and hands-down this was an absolutely superior experience! Thank you!

Kaila Cowan (Boston May 2022)

In 2017 I got my laser certification through a dentist I was working for at the time and used the laser regularly in practice. After taking time off and also working in different offices which didn’t utilize the diode laser I felt like I was losing my skills and knowledge of its use.

Getting my certification and training through Joy Raskie’s online course on Advanced Dental Hygiene was the best decision I made. I feel like I’ve learned so much more and acquired new skills in the use of the diode laser. The course is in-depth and informative.

The best part of the course is having access to the videos on setting up and navigating all the different types of diode lasers a hygienist could use in practice. The hands-on portion along with all of the feedback and instruction I received was so helpful.

At the time of doing this course I didn’t have access to a laser for the hands on training portion and Joy Raskie sent a laser out to me directly to my home. She also paid for the shipping back-the entire process was super easy.

E. Guilbaud, RDH, NY

Wonderful program! Top-notch laser training.
I was already certified, but learned so much more with Joy’s program…verbiage, coaching, and excitement were key! Joy Raskie’s Advanced Dental Hygiene laser course has given me an added level of confidence to incorporate the laser into the dental hygiene program as a standard of care. I encourage you to take Joy’s laser course
You can thank me later!

Rebecca M. Friend, BS, RDH

The online course is FABULOUS!! It covers everything you need to know about lasers in easy and convenient clips. I love that I could do it at my own pace and rewatch any portion of the class whenever I wanted. I emailed Joy with a few questions and she was so quick to respond!! The live hands-on online course was super convenient, I only had to travel to work to test and was able to talk with Joy where she happily answered any questions I had.
Joy has awesome verbiage and tips, so I was able to implement laser in all hygiene aspects to our practice with ease. I certified on Friday and on Monday I had 75% of my patients wanting LBR and that continued the entire week!
When you are done with Joy’s laser certification you will feel 100% confident to use it the next day!!

Julie Schmoker RDH, BS

Dental Laser CE Courses

I just wanted to thank you again for everything you put into your online course. I can’t tell you how much I have referenced your videos over the last few weeks. Your reference handouts too have been invaluable when I’m trying to tx plan and tx on the fly when seeing patients. And I’ve used them with our insurance coordinator so we can set everything up correctly in Dentrix. Thank you for putting an amazing program together!

Lindsay Thompson, RDH

I took Advanced Dental Hygiene’s Diode Laser Training and Certification class Feb 2019 and it changed my professional career as I knew it. After attending Joy’s class, I went back to my practice and pulled the laser out of the box it was stored in. I now utilize the laser on more patients than not. I have been a Hygienist since 1997. I can honestly say, I would not practice hygiene without my laser. Thank you Joy for the foundational training your class provided and the confidence for immediate implementation with the hands-on portion of your class. Thank you also for the amazing resource you have been since taking your class. We are now getting additional units in our practice as we see laser as such a vital part of our standard of care.

Lisa Kyle, RDH