
(Psst! Need a laser? We can get you one to borrow.)
The following courses are approved in your state:
Diode-Laser Training and Certification
Indiana State Board Laser Rules
- No Curettage
- RDH can use a laser as of July 2020 but may not remove soft-tissue.
- State: “IC 25-13-1-10Locations for practice of dental hygiene; supervision requirements; laser treatment; rules; report 10. (a) A licensed dental hygienist may practice dental hygiene in Indiana in the following:
(1) A dental office, clinical setting, or health facility where the dental hygienist is practicing under the direct supervision or prescriptive supervision of a licensed dentist.
(2) A dental school or dental hygiene school to teach and demonstrate the practice of dental hygiene if direct supervision by a licensed dentist is provided for training on providing local anesthetics by injection.
(3) The dental clinic of any public, parochial, or private school or other institution supported by public or private funds in which the licensee is employed by the state department of health or any county or city board of health or board of education or school trustee or parochial authority or the governing body of any private school where the dental hygienist is practicing under the direct or prescriptive supervision of a licensed dentist.
(4) The dental clinic of a bona fide hospital, sanitarium, or charitable institution duly established and being operated under the laws of Indiana in which the licensee is employed by the directors or governing board of such hospital, sanitarium, or institution. However, such practice must be under the direct or prescriptive supervision at all times of a licensed dentist who is a staff member of the hospital or sanitarium or a member of the governing board of the institution.
(5) A:
(A) fixed charitable dental care clinic;
(B) public health setting;
(C) correctional institution; or
(D) location other than one described in clauses (A) through (C);
that has been approved by the board and where the dental hygienist is under the direct or prescriptive supervision of a licensed dentist.
(6) Settings, other than a private dental practice, allowed under an access practice agreement that complies with the requirements under IC 25-13-3.
(b) A licensed dental hygienist may provide without supervision the following:
(1) Dental hygiene instruction and in-service training without restriction on location.
(2) Screening and referrals for any person in a public health setting.
(3) Dental hygiene services under an access practice agreement that complies with the requirements under IC 25-13-3.
(c) A dental hygienist may use a laser except to cut, ablate, or cauterize hard or soft tissue to provide treatment to a patient.
(d) The board may adopt rules under IC 4-22-2 concerning subsection (a)(5)(D).
(e) If a dental hygienist practices under the prescriptive supervision of a licensed dentist, the dentist’s written order must be recorded, signed, and dated in the patient’s records.
(f) Before October 1, 2017, the board, with assistance from the professional licensing agency, shall report to the legislative council in an electronic format under IC 5-14-6on the effectiveness of the prescriptive supervision laws and rules and any changes that are needed in the law concerning prescriptive supervision. This subsection expires December 31, 2017.”
“IC 25-13-1-11Practice of dental hygiene; acts performed
Sec. 11. A person is deemed to be practicing dental hygiene within the meaning of this chapter who:
(1) uses the titles “Licensed Dental Hygienist”, “Dental Hygienist”, or the letters “L.D.H.”, “R.D.H.”, or “D.H.” in connection with his or her name;
(2) holds himself or herself out to the public in any manner that he or she can or will render services as a dental hygienist;
(3) removes calcific deposits or accretions from the surfaces of human teeth or cleans or polishes such teeth;
(4) applies and uses within the patient’s mouth such antiseptic sprays, washes, or medicaments for the control or prevention of dental caries as his or her employer dentist may direct;
(5) treats gum disease;
(6) uses impressions and x-ray photographs for treatment purposes; or
(7) administers local dental anesthetics, except for the administration of local dental anesthetics by:
(A) a dentist as provided in IC 25-14-1-23(a)(6); or
(B) a physician licensed under IC 25-22.5.
Formerly: Acts 1945, c.90, s.11; Acts 1963, c.112, s.4; Acts 1971, P.L.371, SEC.5. As amended by Acts 1981, P.L.222, SEC.117; P.L.155-1988, SEC.5; P.L.134-2008, SEC.22; P.L.264-2013, SEC.4.”