
(Psst! Need a laser? We can get you one to borrow.)

The following courses are approved in your state:

Louisana State Board Laser Rules

  • No curettage

    o   RDH can’t use a laser in Louisiana. They are working on getting this changed.

    o   State: Title 46 Professional and Occupational Standards Part XXXIII Dental Health Profession

     Chapter 7  701. Authorized Duties “A. Dental hygienists are expressly authorized to preform the procedure referred to as an oral prophylaxis, which is defined as the removal of plaque, calculus and stains from the exposed and unexposed surfaces of the teeth by scaling and polishing as a preventive measure for the control of local irritational factors. B. A person licensed to practice dentistry in the state of Louisiana may delegate to any dental hygienist any chairside dental act which said dentist deems reasonable, using sound professional judgment. Such act must be performed properly and safely on the patient. Furthermore, the act must be under the direct on-premises supervision of the treating dentist. A dentist may not delegate to a dental hygienist: 1. comprehensive examination or diagnosis and treatment planning; 2. a surgical or cutting procedure on hard or soft tissue including laser and micro abrasion reduction of tooth material; 3. the prescription of a drug, medication, or work authorization; 4. the taking of an impression for a final fixed or removable restoration or prosthesis; 5. the final placement and intraoral adjustment of a fixed appliance; 6. the final placement and intraoral or extraoral adjustment of a removable appliance; 7. the making of any intraoral occlusal adjustment; 8. the performance of direct pulp capping or pulpotomy; 9. the placement or finishing of any final restoration except for the polishing of an amalgam restoration; 10. the final placement of orthodontic bands or brackets except in indirect bonding procedures in which the dentist has either performed the final placement of the brackets on the model or when the dentist has written a detailed prescription to the laboratory for placement of the bracket; and 11. the administration of parenteral, intravenous (IV), or any general anesthetic agent.

Here's What Other People are Saying

$625 RDH, $795 DDS

Cancellation Policy

No refunds on Online Course once started.