(Psst! Need a laser? We can get you one to borrow.)
The following courses are approved in your state:
Diode-Laser Training and Certification
Pennsylvania State Board Laser Rules
- No curettage
- Laser rules are vague on RDH use of laser and seems to be more of a gray area. Pennsylvania Code recommends a minimum of 6 hours of laser instruction and must include a hands-on component. Advanced Dental Hygiene (ADH) is an accredited organization through the Academy of General Dentistry, and all ADH’s hands-on laser training courses meet these requirements. Laser course should cover laser safety into detail along with all known risks to patients, staff and practitioner. If supervising Dentist approves RDH to use laser and RDH has taken ADH’s hands-on laser training, RDH can use laser.
- 33.215. Use of lasers in the dental office—statement of policy.
(a) Background and purpose. The use of lasers in experimental and institutional settings has raised questions with regard to using this technology in the dental office. In addressing this issue, the Board has been mindful of its principal mandate: protection of the public. Section 4.1(a)(8) and (9) of the act (63 P. S. § 123.1(a)(8) and (9)) authorizes the Board to take disciplinary action against licensees who engage in unprofessional conduct or who commit acts of negligence, incompetence or malpractice. The use of lasers may implicate both provisions by, for example, generating complaints of incompetent treatment or treatment that fails to conform to acceptable standards of practice. The Board offers the following guidelines to assist its licensees in conforming their behavior to the act. In a disciplinary action brought against a dentist for treatment involving a laser, the Board will consider whether these guidelines were followed.
(b) Guidelines. A dentist who uses a laser in private practice shall:
(1) Be familiar with and conform to regulations on lasers promulgated by the Food and Drug Administration.
(2) Possess clinical competency in the use of lasers. The Board recommends a minimum of 6 hours of instruction given by an accredited institution or by a manufacturer of lasers sponsored by such an institution. The instruction should include hands-on training and should cover all known risks to patients, staff and the practitioner.