Ultimate Perio Symposium Level II

Do lasers even work? How do we have the uncomfortable conversations with our diseased 6 month prophy patient? Why are we calling it SRP when we shouldn’t be root planning anymore? Should we discuss nutrition with our periodontal patients? Why are we constantly performing bloody bib prophys on active periodontal patients? What’s the deal with the initiated diode tip, irrigating with chlorhexidine and hand scaling versus ultrasonics anyways?

If this global pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that patients expect dentistry to look and feel different. Now more than ever, we have an opportunity to elevate our complex and advanced periodontal care to meet the overwhelming demands of this highly prevalent and resilient disease.

Course Information

Estimated Time: 8 Lecture Hours

Course Instructor

Joy Raskie Joy Raskie Author

1-RDH UPS Training and Certification

1 year of access

1-DDS UPS Training and Certification

1 year of access

1-GP L2 UPS Training and Certification

1 year of access

9ce – UPS L1 & L2

1 year of access

Course Information

Estimated Time: 8 Lecture Hours

Course Instructor

Joy Raskie Joy Raskie Author

1-RDH UPS Training and Certification

1 year of access

1-DDS UPS Training and Certification

1 year of access

1-GP L2 UPS Training and Certification

1 year of access

9ce – UPS L1 & L2

1 year of access