
(Psst! Need a laser? We can get you one to borrow.)

The following courses are approved in your state:

Massachusetts State Board Laser Rules

  • Curettage
  • RDH and DDS can use laser but BOTH RDH and DDS must obtain proper training including safety training on the use of dental laser devices. It is recommended that a hands-on portion is included according to ANSI Z163.1 Safe Use of Lasers
  • MA Radiation Control requires all Class 3b and 4 lasers to be registered with the state along with providing a laser safety officer training certificate that follows ANSI standards. Your designated LSO must submit qualifications to include education, training, and/or experience for new registrations or LSO change. ADH’s Laser Safety Officer training is accepted in MA. Registration forms can be emailed to RadiationControl@mass.gov
  • State site: “A dental hygienist may perform all acts which may be performed by a dental assistant and may under the appropriate supervision of a dentist perform acts or services on teeth and related structures that are educational, therapeutic, prophylactic and preventive in nature, but may not perform acts or services which require the knowledge and skill of a dentist such as diagnosis, treatment planning, surgical or cutting procedures on hard or soft tissue, and the prescription of medications; provided, however, that the term ”therapeutic”, as used in this section, shall include gingival curettage and root planing as well as the administration of local anesthesia agents in accordance with rules and regulations adopted by the board.
  • Email: “ I would caution you that while hygienists can practice under the general supervision of a dentist, meaning the dentist does not physically need to be present when the hygienist treats a patient, you might want to discuss this with your dental employer.  It might be prudent to have the dentist on site if and when you use a laser.”
  • Email: “Policy on the Use of Lasers in Dentistry :Please refer to the American Dental Association’s statement on lasers in dentistryhttp://www.ada.org/1860.aspx 

Delegation to dental auxiliaries may only occur when both the supervising dentist and registered dental hygienist obtain proper training on the use of dental laser devices, and use the devices within their licensed scope of practice, training and experience. Guidance for the profession for safe dental laser use is provided by American National Standards Institute Standard Z136.1 Safe Use of Lasers and Z136.3 Safe Use of Lasers in Health Care Facilities. Specific training is also available from manufacturers, and via independent providers of continuing education, including professional organizations and academic institutions. Continuing education programs/presenters should address and disclose possible conflicts of interest. At the present time, the ADA’s Commission on Dental Accreditation does not include laser education in its accreditation standards for dental education programs. However, proposed educational standards are available (e.g., Academy of Laser Dentistry’s Curriculum Guidelines and Standards for Dental Laser Education). 

Adopted by the Board April 3, 2013 

Here's What Other People are Saying

$625 RDH, $795 DDS

Cancellation Policy

No refunds on Online Course once started.